Run a FileLinker file in OneNote
Depending on how you have embedded the FileLinker file in OneNote, the link file can be executed.
As attachment
If the FileLinker file was inserted as an attachment, a double click with the mouse is sufficient to start the FileLinker with the saved link.
Changing the link here is also unproblematic by simply editing the link.
Click the Open Master Link button to open the link.
The FileLinker window will close automatically after opening the link.
As a link to your OneDrive OneNote upload folder.
If the FileLinker file was saved to your OneDrive OneNote upload folder, the FileLinker file must be downloaded first. After clicking on the link, the browser for downloading the FileLinker file will appear. Afterwards you can open the FileLinker file with FileLinker.
Click the Open button to open the FileLinker file.
FileLinker is automatically started with the saved link.
Click the Open Master Link button to open the link.
Note: If the FileLinker file is downloaded to the defined Windows download folder, FileLinker automatically removes the download file.